Saturday, September 29, 2018

Long Time

"Long time" is a greeting you get when you haven't seen someone in a while or "you've been lost". Well both of those statements are accurate for this blog. I always have the best intentions but life gets in the way and I don't make it the priority it should be. So hopefully I'm getting a system in place to make sure I am updating more often. That being said, here is a bit of what we have been up to since we arrived in July.

I started school with the kids about a week after our return. It is a bit more challenging juggling both kids especially since Ellie needs a lot more help and attention. I think we are finally getting into a good routine even with some interruption here and there. If you or anyone you know wants to come teach my children for the next six months to a year I would love it. I think the kids would too!

On September 1st we moved into our house!!! There is still quite a bit that needs to be done but we are loving having our own space after a long time of sharing. The kids love sleeping in their hammocks. They sleep so much better than they used to. The house gets cooler at night too so that is a bonus especially as we are getting closer to the dry hot season.


As of September 25th we have been in Gulu for 1 year! (minus our time in the states) We are starting to pick up some of the greetings and really making this our home. We are making new friends both other missionaries and Ugandans.

We had some visitors in September also! We love having friends and family come and see our lives here. We love to show them what we are doing and see what everyday life looks like. They are a blessing to us in many ways. If you ever think maybe I would like to come sometime, you should!! We would love to have you.

I think that is all for now! I think next I will have the kids post about some of the animals we have had around the compound!
