Friday, July 14, 2017

A Quick Update and an Explanation...

So I know that I (Christina) have been pretty quite on social media lately. I over analyze things, trying to word things the right way. But here is my best attempt:
  On Monday July 3rd, after Benj and I discussed things and gained counsel from a few people we decided to buy a plane ticket for me to go to the states for just under two weeks because my Grandma (my dad's mom) had very recently been admitted to hospice and I wanted to see her one more time before she died. A few hours after we bought the ticket, my flight leaving in just over 24 hours, my dad called to tell me Grandma had passed away. Wanting to still see my family and come for the memorial service that I figured would be in the next two weeks, I left the next morning for the airport and 40 hours later arrived in Grand Rapids. 
  I didn't post things right away because I was waiting to post until I was sure all my family members knew and then wasn't able to share (maybe I'm not so tech savvy as I thought) the post of my uncle or aunt. Also as much as I wanted to see friends, I really needed to be able to spend as much of my limited time here with my family. I should have posted sooner because I know I am in pictures and then people are wondering what in the world I am doing here. My cousin is getting married today and I am so grateful for God's timing that I am now able to attend and see so much more of my moms side of the family. I haven't seen my moms parents in a few years and have been so blessed to spend quality time with them. 
  God has taken my sorrow and turned it to joy. I know my Grandma is in heaven dancing and praising the Lord with Grandpa. There is no more pain and suffering. She loved Jesus with all her heart and has been such a blessing and role model in my life. I miss her tons and it is hard that I didn't get to say goodbye but I know I will see her again someday in heaven and that makes my heart happy! 
  There are many memories I hold in my heart of my grandma. Like playing Yahtzee by their pool in Florida, Grandma camp, creamed eggs on toast and a wooden doll to name a few. I am glad to know that some day I will see her again and can't wait to give her a big hug. 
  Thank you for all your encouragement and prayers. We serve a big God who is in all the small details and takes care of us. Please pray for safe travels as I head back to Uganda on Sunday!