Monday, May 29, 2017

Izaac and Ellie Post

I love asking the kids what they want to share with everyone. Here is just a little glimpse of what is going on in their heads!

  Gulu is fun.  I am Izaac and Ellie is my sister. And we are in Gulu. We are in a place called the E D I. It is fun. I love to run around and see the pigs because it is a big yard. And we planted a bunch of trees our last trip up. Lemon, Orange, and Tangerine are just some of them.  We also planted elephant grass and mulberry shoots. It is fun also to go to restaurants in town. One of my favorites is Elephante. They have great pizza and waffles. When we move up here next year I will have to do school from home again, which is the worst.  And that’s all for now. Goodbye.

  We are in Gulu visiting the new place where we are going to live next year. I like it so much because it is so big I have lots of space to run and play. I love checking on the pigs and feeding them.  We are going to have a playground (or at least some swings). When I get hurt my Daddy gives super nice hugs. My Daddy takes care of me. My Mommy takes care of me too and she loves me so much. I miss you. I love you!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Big Changes Ahead

Dear Faithful Friends,

We’re in transition again! (Have we ever not been?) Much has happened over the course of our time here and it has all served to give us clarity into the work we are being called to do. We are excited for new opportunities and chances to serve together with those who are engaged in life changing work.

At the beginning of next year we will be leaving Welcome Home Ministries and Jinja and moving to Gulu, in northern Uganda, to work with Our Call Missions. OCM was started by Keith and Lisa Coggin who have lived in Uganda for 15 years and have been involved in a number of different ministries over the course of their time here. Their focus over the past few years has been on developing a Christ-centered, Biblical based curriculum incorporating all of the Ugandan
requirements but integrating improvements in content and teaching/learning methods.  This curriculum, called Roots to Fruits, was originally designed with very rural villages, having no real access to “traditional” schools, in mind. It has however, grown in scope and now there are schools and ministries all over the country desiring to implement it for their students.  There is still much work to be done in the development and refinement of the curriculum as well as partnering with ministries to train teachers to use it.

We are excited to be joining Keith and Lisa in this incredibly valuable work. We will join Our Call Missions in support roles, which is were we fit best, the way God designed us to serve. Christina is excited to help with administrative type things, assisting Lisa and managing the financial aspects of the ministry.  We’ll be working to develop and implement sustainability and income-generation projects to support the teachers and Village Learning Centers in remote areas. Also, we are excited about opportunities to engage with the real and present refugee crises coming out of South Sudan. Our Call Missions was started with a desire, among other things, to reach into the under-served communities of that young and struggling country and now, as a group of pastors recently expressed, “South Sudan has come to Our Call Missions”. We eagerly await the opportunities God will provide for us to love and serve and walk alongside people in this difficult situation in whatever ways we can. 

Lastly, joining with OCM will give us the freedom to begin to pursue an area of service that I (Benj) have dreamed about for a long time. I want to offer my giftedness, skills, resources and availability to others who are serving in difficult places- to be a servant to the servants. This type of ministry has begun to happen organically here in and around Jinja with both large and small organizations. However, Jinja is a very well resourced area. There are people here who are able to do this sort of problem solving work and my thought is: If the need exists here, how much more so in areas that do not have the resources to meet these needs? Also, there are a number of young men already connected with OCM who would be excited about joining in this work with me and gaining some real-world skills and experience. We still don’t know exactly what this will look like but we believe that a real need exists, that Gulu will be a great place to call our “home base”, that Our Call Missions will be a great partner, and that God will lead and direct and receive all the glory!

Some of what this means for us in a practical sense is that over the course of the remainder of this year we need to join with a new “sending organization” that will handle the administration of our funding as well as essential things like health insurance, training, and accountability. Also, we will need to begin building a house. It is our intent that, Lord willing, this will be a long-term situation for us and, in order to have some long-term security and financial stability, building a house is the best option. The land we will build on is owned free and clear by OCM and we hope to be able to put up phase 1 of a small, simple dwelling for about $16,000 that we can call home. There are also a number of projects that will need to happen on the OCM property to better accommodate the ministry we hope to do and we’ll need to purchase a better vehicle. We are trusting God to provided what is needed to do all of this. Lastly, our intention is to make a trip back to the states next spring to share all of the details of what this new venture will look like with you, our faithful friends and supporters. We don’t have dates yet, but it will likely be sometime between when the snow melts and when it starts to get cold again. (Our blood may have thinned a bit since we’ve been here. Turns out 60 degrees is really cold!)

Again, (and again, and again) thank you for your support and encouragement! We are blessed by it, God is honored by it and lives are changed because of it! Please pray and seek the Lord and if He would have you continue supporting this new ministry and direction. Please pray for us as we also seek the Lord and His direction and leadership in all of these details. Please stay tuned, as more information and specifics will be coming over the next 8 months. Please be blessed as you grow closer and closer to our faithful Savior and loving Father day by day!

Grace and Peace,

Benj, Christina, Izaac, and Ellie

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Welding Projects

Through the generosity of a welding supplier in Grand Rapids, some special gifts from a few supporters (North Sewickley Pres.) and the willingness of Christina's mom to transport, I got a really nice welding machine in January. Since than I have used it quite a bit and have been able to complete some projects that I just couldn't have done with out it.

I've been able to make a bunch of repairs around the house.

I had some fun turning this pile...

...into these for the kids at Welcome Home.

This swing set we built in pieces and set up in Lawmbogo. The kids love it!

I had the opportunity to help out a great ministry called Good Shephard's Fold build some kennels for their guard dogs.

I've done a bunch of small projects too: a hand full of these lock boxes for spigots on rain water tanks, tomato cages for the garden, repairs at my sisters house, and there are still a bunch of things on the drawing board that I'll get to someday!

I even shared my favorite new toy with my dad while he was here. (I guess since I owe everything I know to him anyway, it only seemed fair)