Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Feeding the Community...

Here's what's been going on in Lawmbogo over the past few months.

Before I left in July we were working on cordoning off a piece of the church property to cultivate for some community garden space. Because this village is closely surrounded by commercial sugarcane plantation, people don't have a lot of space for personal subsistence gardens, especially the marginalized.

 (Why yes, that young man is pulling the barbed wire with bare hands. And even though it looks like the backs of Paul's legs are about to get shredded, I promise that's not the case. Maybe if someone weren't stopping to take pictures...)

Since then, Pastor Mawa and others have tilled and planted and things are beginning to grow. We've got maze and beans coming up as well as passion fruit, matoke (a type of non-sweet banana), and cassava. I've been talking to a few people who teach a method of sustainable agriculture called Farming God's Way that I hope we can learn and implement at the next planting. 

Another project we're working on now is building a large chicken coop. Again, the hope is to be able to provide for the church and the most marginalized of this community.

From design...
(This may not have been completely necessary for building a chicken coop but sometimes I need to get back to my roots and I'm also trying to learn this design program.)

To implementation...
  Measuring & Layout

A lot of digging. At least there are no frost line requirements

Poles are set and heights adjusted

Roof framing going up

And then sheeting

Not finished yet but we'er well under way. I've been building the doors here at home so we'll install those and fence it in soon. Should be omelets for breakfast and BBQ'd chicken in no time. Though which one comes first I wonder...?

Monday, October 17, 2016

Home Improvement Projects

Feeling under the weather today but still wanted to try to be productive. Might not be good that it takes giardia to get me to write a blog post but at least I'm doing it!

I've done a handful of projects since getting back to Uganda and I tried to do a better job taking pictures. Now, since I have the photographic evidence I feel like I need to do something with it.

Before we left, some friends brought in a bunch of larger plumbing tools and I needed a place to store and a way carry them, so I built a tool box. I was pleased with the rabbited edge considering I did it with a circular saw.

We built a "shelf" over the tub we don't use and the kids helped with the painting.

Also, in an effort to try to keep the house a bit neater, I built a book self and a shoe rack.

For another project I've got going out in Lawmbogo I need to build a couple screen doors and I was getting tired of making long, narrow rips with my cordless circular saw so I built a simple table saw. I was able to pick up a decent saw from a missionary "garage sale" and throw this together. Really should have done this sooner!

Lastly, I'm working up a rotating compost bin to make some really good growing soil!

And this is where all the magic happens. My make-shift work shop.