So this weekend we are heading back to Sisiyi Falls. It is on the kids minds and they are very excited about going again. Izaac wanted to share about some of his favorite parts about the falls. So here they are!
The view from the top of Sisiyi Falls |
"I don't like to sit in the back for a long time. I know it will be very long ride but I think I'll have fun in the car anyway. We'll bring stuff to play with while we drive. I remember the driveway is really bumpy. When we are getting close we can see the waterfall from a long ways away and I remember last time Aunt Murphy took a picture. When you first get into the place you don't see too many trees. There is a house thing where we eat food. It has a couch and a table and bats by the ceiling. It has a grass roof. Then we go up the path to see the tents and put our stuff in. We didn't have to put the tents up though. One of the nights we had a fire by the tents that we sat by. I like sleeping in the tents there. Next we all climbed the rocks to see the waterfall. I like climbing on different things. I also like to listen to the waterfall while I sleep. There is a
humongous rock where we sleep and I remember there are lots of trees where the tents are. We took a hike up a
big, huge hill up to the top and we got to see the top of the waterfall and you could see
lots of things down at the bottom from there. I walked a little and then I got carried and then I walked some more, it was a hard climb! I'm really excited to go back to Sisiyi Falls tomorrow!"
Izaac at the base of the falls |
Sisiyi Falls
(if you look closely you can see Benj) |
Finally had a chance to catch up on your life! Praying for Visas and work permits, washing machines and dry weather to dry the clothes, for you all to continue to find your rhythm in your days. Be blessed and be a blessing - like always!