Monday, September 7, 2015

AHHH! The stuff in my head is coming out!

We have been in Michigan for two weeks now.  It's crazy.  It still feels like vacation instead of the permanent move that it is.  The two weeks were filled with lots of family time because my sister Meredith came in town to visit and go backpacking with us and Beckie (my sister) and Ruudy (my brother-in-law).  Maybe that is part of the reason it still feels like vacation.  We had a great time in the woods and the kids did great.  Izaac carried his own pack with Ellie's sleeping bag, his pillow pet, and some of the food for the three days, two nights we were there.  Ellie had the easiest hike because she got to ride in a pack, although she did complain of being tired as I (Christina) carried her up a dune. We played in the dunes and in Lake Michigan.  The kids had a blast and it was a great time to reflect on our transition. I really don't care much for going to the bathroom in the woods but was told I need to get use to it for when we go to the villages in Uganda.

But it is not vacation and I am reminded of that fact as school for Izaac starts in two days.  It can't possibly be.  How can I have a child who is going to be in Kindergarten?  Not only that but all day, every Monday through Friday. I become more emotional than I would like to be.  He seems so little and I am afraid of what affects these outside influences might have on him.  Yes I know it is just Kindergarten but we live in a fallen world and kids can be mean. What if my kid is the mean one?  Have we trained him up in a way that he will make good choices and be friends with those who others won't? He is only in school until we leave for Uganda in December/January and I do think it will be good for him but I have these fears I keep giving to the Lord (and taking back again and giving back and so on).

We are also trying to figure out where we should start with our fundraising again.  It is humbling and nerve-wracking asking people to come alongside us and support us with their prayers and finances.  I feel like we were doing a great job before summer but in the busyness of camp and moving we have been slacking.  If anyone would like to meet with us to hear more about what we will be doing please contact us through Facebook or email or phone call.  We love sharing about what God is doing in our lives and the hopes and dreams of the future.

On another note, we are hoping that Benj does not need to find a "real" job but that we would find enough people we know that would have projects they would be willing to hire him to do. He is glad to do light remodel/renovation work, general home or yard maintenance, basically any kind of handyman work inside or out.  If you have any such projects or know of anyone that does please let us know!

I know this is all over the place but welcome to my brain these days!! I know that God is in control and we just need to follow His leading.

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