I thought I would give an update on how Izaac is doing. He just had his two year check up and everything looks good! He weighs 25.3 pounds, which puts him in the 12th percentile and 34 inches, which puts him in the 30th percentile. His head is 49.5 cm, but didn't tell me what percentile that was. He did a great job even when it was time for a shot. He said ouch and cried for a second but as soon as I mentioned a sucker he stopped! We have been trying to potty train and he has been doing a great job at home, but when he is in the nursery he refuses to tell his teachers he has to go. I am hoping that he will start to tell them soon. Izaac loves reading, coloring, playing play-doh, working at his "workshop", and watching Mickey Mouse Club House. Lately when he wakes up in the morning he is quiet so I can't hear him and he unloads all his clothes out of there bins so he can stack them up to reach higher on his toy shelves. We bought he a step stool so that he would stop unloading them and the next day he unloaded the closet instead. I just never know what his room is going to look like each morning!

I have been asking him if he wants a baby brother or baby sister and he usually picks baby sister! I don't really think he understands what I am asking but it is fun to see what he decides each day.
Thanks for the update! I miss you guys!