So we're writing a blog. The jaded, cynical part of me has put this off for a long time because I know there are far more blogs then there are people who actually want to read blogs. Also, I can't help feeling that it might be sort of arrogant of me to assume I have something new and important to say to the universe, which is what I feel like I should have if I'm going to publish it on the internet. I've always been of the opinion that the majority of what takes place on the internet is man standing in the wilderness, looking out into eternity and screaming at the top of his lungs "I exist", and expecting the universe to notice and respond. Anyway, despite these nagging feelings, I decided to start this thing anyway.
On an airplane about 8 years ago, at some crazy hight above the massive expanse of the Atlantic ocean, I started writing a journal. It was the first one I had ever written (and the last) and, unfortunately, a number of years later, on a flight headed in the opposite directing, I left that journal in the seat back pouch of a KLM Royal Dutch 747. I'm sure it is now in some landfill in the Netherlands buried under a hundred feet of discarded wooden shoes, broken windmills and whatever else they throw away in Holland. All of this is completely irrelevant except to say that even though no one else ever cracked the cover of that knock off Mole Skin, almost elegant looking, little black journal, it was good for me. It helped me process and work through the things that happen to me, through me and around me and that's what I am hoping for here. Christina and I want to share the things, the extraordinary things hidden in the mundane things, but, also we need to process and think through these things. So here we go! Feel free to come along if you'd like, or just stop in from time to time, or ignore it altogether if you want, but anyway, here we go.
I'm so glad you started a blog!!! I don't think it is arrogant of you at all. (Keeping in mind that this is coming from someone who blogs all the time so maybe that isn't reasurring. I don't know.) But I do know that you are a Godly man and it is good for us to read about your struggles because God is doing amazing things through you and Christina. Keep thinking stuff through via your keyboard so that those of us who are a little further away can join your pondering. Keep moving forward and trusting God and letting the rest of us cheer you on. Keep writing too because you are a great writer and I think that even if I didn't love you, or even know you, I'd read it.