Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Progress on our house Part 2!

I was having trouble getting the blog to handle all the pictures I wanted so I had to split them up. These pictures are from when the 40ft container arrived until now.

The 40ft container finally arrived Dec. 23
I was a bit nervous as they were setting it on the foundation
Almost set
The containers joined and trusses up
Papyrus under the metal roof
Making progress on the roof
Priming the walls 
Our closet/wall for the bathroom
Looking into our room
The bathroom 
The hall shelves/bathroom wall
From the 40ft looking into the 20ft and outside room
The 20ft container will be a school room/playroom
Izaac & Ellie's bedroom will be in this space

Progress on our house Part 1!

In September we posted about building a house. It showed the design Benj came up with and that we started the foundation. Well I really thought that Benj would be the one to update more often on it but it turns out he would rather build it than blog about building it, go figure. So here is my attempt to update you on the house. Mostly I am posting pictures so if you have questions feel free to ask. We can't wait until it is finished and are excited to move in hopefully when we get back from furlough.

20ft container delivered/set at 4:30am
The kids helping paint the steel window frames

Benj built our water tower
Lots of painting for these two

Benj making/welding the trusses
Benj teaching me to weld the window frames
Welding more parts of the window
Adding a beam for the roof
Everybody working together
Lots and lots of painting the steel
Ellie approved

Septic tank
Septic tank